Friday, November 5, 2010

add to the wish list...

I've had my eye on a Gussy bag for a while now...I LOVE her designs! Take a peek...

Today, on Gussy's blog she featured another artist, Red Letter Words. And I LOVE her designs, too. Scripture canvases. Here's a sampling...


Don't you just love these?

Monday, November 1, 2010


I seriously can't believe it is November 1st.  I've been meaning to post for days here are some snippets from the past few weeks of our fall...which has felt mostly more like summer until this past weekend. I actually had frost on my windshield when I left for class this past Saturday morning!! However, it was back to 80 something degrees by lunch time. (Which was fine by me, as I'm not much of a cold weather fan at all! 65degrees is cold to me!)  Anyway, back to the snippets... =) 

{DIY wreath}

{Visit to Tom's Farm}

 We went through the "haunted" corn maze in the middle of the day. Kinda nixed the scary factor, but still fun!

We got so tickled at hearing this guy "baaabaaa."

{Pumpkin Carving}

Paul did the Mississippi State masterpiece. And I apparently lack any sort of pumpkin carving ability whatsoever. My "B" just looks like a big blob. I should have done a little more thinking before I started carving...

{Trick or Treat with Taylor the kitty cat}

so Ca-Ute! 

And one last thing...our BULLDAWGS are 7-2!!! LOVE it.

Hope you are enjoying your fall, too!
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