Just wanted to share this video (in case you haven't already seen it--but even if you have, it's worth a re-run!). An amazing reminder of the magnitude of the One who has faithfully loved [messy, flighty, prideful] me.
Oh, how I need this refreshed perspective.
To put Him in His rightful place.
I pray you know Him today.
{Thanks to sweet Jenni for sharing this video in a faculty meeting devotion one morning a few weeks ago.}
Just a canvas for me to record a smattering of my thoughts/happenings and to savor my one messy, grace-soaked attempt at living this earthly life so as to take hold of that which is truly life. Thanks a bunch for stopping by!
I'm blessed to be Paul's wife, a high school English/Language Arts teacher, and a disciple of Jesus. The (short) list of favorites: Mississippi State Universtiy, tea parties, sports, gardening, (pretending) to be crafty and a photographer, reading, traveling, fruit, constantly learning, antiques, anything homemade, and chapstick. And the one thing I earnestly pray you know: Jesus loves you, and TRUE life is found only in Him. His arms are open for you now--run to Him! (You'll be glad you did.)