Wednesday, December 19, 2012

26 Things {12/19/12}

My hubs...He's 26 today.


 And here's 26 reasons why I love and am thankful for him...
1. He loves sports and wants me to watch games with him.

2. He followed me to Starkville, and he cheers for the Bulldawgs.

3. He has an entrepreneurial spirit.

4. He tells me he loves me at least twice a day.

5. He makes me laugh.

6. He forgives quickly.

7. He takes care of our yard.

8. He takes care of our cars himself (oil changes and anything else they need.)

9. He is wise with finances, but knows we can't take it with us when we go.

10. He helps clean our house.

11. He helps me grade papers.

12. He loves me unconditionally.

13. He sends me funny texts. And sweet ones, too.

14. He reminds me to chill out and that "every little thing is gonna be alright."

15. He never gossips or says anything negative about anyone.

16. He is not easily angered.

17. He plays with Reggie (our puppy child.)

18. He is an awesome uncle to Taylor and Lane.

19. His big brown eyes. (Really, just his handsomeness all around.)

20. He loves music and concerts.

21. He tolerates my love of antiques even though they aren't his style.

22. He works hard.

23. He works out.

24. He is supportive of my dreams.

25. He likes putting Christmas lights on our house.

26. He can figure anything out.

Happy Birthday, baby! I love you. A lot. A lot.

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