Thursday, August 29, 2013

the ESPYs + Ethiopia + Royal Genealogy

This month I've been blessed to share again a little more about my time in Ethiopia this past June and how it's ruined me for the ordinary, making me ever more conscious of my purpose as an ambassador for Christ. Below is a snippet from my post over at The Forsaken Children. 
The story of Robin’s valiant fight against breast cancer and an ensuing severe blood disease in addition to coping with the death of her mother brought the tearful audience to its feet. And I have to admit the fact that this incredible lady is a fellow Mississippi girl made my heart swell with pride just a little.
BUT what really rapt my attention and admiration was her bold faith in God and her conviction to follow her mother’s advice: “Make your mess your message.”
That phrase is a poignant reminder to me of what God does for us when he redeems us – He transforms our messy, broken, sin-eaten lives into His message of restoration, hope, and future glory.
While in Ethiopia this June, I saw...
You can click the ellipsis above to read more.

I hope you are experiencing the reality of His transformational love today!  

All's grace,


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