Monday, July 22, 2013

What's that you say? People are real?

So there's a little bit of my heart over at The Forsaken Children's blog today. Thankful for the opportunity to share some of the thoughts God's been stirring in me lately and praying anyone who reads will hear Him speaking and not my feeble words.

Here's a snippet from my post:
It was in the airports that I finally realized something : people are real.
I know, hold the phone, right? Yes, people are real. I’d been hearing about TFC and Ethiopia and these street kids for three years now. A couple in our “Sunday School” class is involved with TFC and have been on several trips, so I’d heard their testimonies, seen their pictures, read their blogs, and, most importantly, seen their lives change as a result of their experiences in Ethiopia. God had been spurring me towards missions, both locally and globally, for a while, and He began using this couple to prick my heart for this place. BUT, however passionately they spoke and however heart-tugging their photos were, Ethiopia and its seas of precious children living on the streets was not really real to me.
You know how this is, don’t you? You hear about this beautiful destination from a friend, but, until you see it for yourself, it just seems like a dream. Or everyone tells you how having a child will rock your world, but you don’t really “get it” until the nurse puts that baby in your arms for the first time or you’re up at 2 a.m. with him/her screaming their lungs out. Or you see the commercials for sponsorship of starving, hopeless children in impoverished countries, and they seem like characters in a movie until one of them is glued to your lap and puts his finger on your chest and says, ...
You can click the ellipsis above to continue reading.

All's grace,


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