Thursday, June 10, 2010


I love jewelry, but I'm not a big jewelry wearer, or I should say I don't wear much variety--I usually rotate between 3 pairs of earrings (some type of hoop or pearl) and 2 necklaces (usually a diamond cross given to me by my dad when I was in 8th grade or a heart crafted from the diamonds from my mom's wedding set she had with my dad).  I guess I like the fact that these pieces look great with whatever I throw on for the day or if we go out.  For me, simple is good.  Anyway, I recently found this line from a Stay-at-Home Mom, and I absolutely love it!  It's silver, it's got pearls, it's sentimental--what's not to love?! It's all custom, hand-crafted, hand-stamped from sterling silver.


I'm reallly wanting a piece...should I start dropping hints? [Actually, I hAte "dropping hints."  Somehow it ruins the gift for me.  I really think Paul should just read my mind...] :)         


  1. Girl, don't drop a hint, send him the link. Even hinting bites me in the butt. I've learned to either tell Justin what I'd like a couple of months out or pretend to love what he comes up with and never use it. I'm way too practical for that. :)

  2. You are funny! And as much as I don't want to admit it, hinting just isn't the best way to communicate. There was even a chapter in the "Capture His Heart" Bible study that I'm doing right now on this very subject!!


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